Chen Tao (UFO religion)

  • Founded date

    Founded date
    The Chen Tao (UFO religion) was founded in 1993 in Taiwan by a man named Hon-Ming Chen, proclaiming himself as the "God of the Universe”, he would get followers by blending elements of Chinese beliefs along with his own and Christianity. The core teaching of the group mainly was focused on the arrival of there God which would later come down the line in the failed event in 1998.
  • Name change and new location

    Name change and new location
    In 1997 Chen would move the group to the United States. When moving to America the group had changed their registered name from the Chinese Soul Light Research Association to God's Salvation Church.The group also had a uniform which consisted of an all white outfit with cowboy hats. They relocated to San Dimas,CA but later moved to Garland,Texas in 1998 for the long awaited arrival of God.
  • Chen Tao incident, Failed prophecy

    Chen Tao incident, Failed prophecy
    Chen predicted that God would appear on March 31,1998 to take all the members to heaven and all of the followers believed in this. Members gathered in Garland, Texas, Where Chen had declared the UFO would land at. No god had showed up and the day went and came normally this led to a lot of confusion and disappointment among the followers. In some news outlines its states that Chen offered to be stoned after the failure which no one did. After this large event the group would become less public.
  • What now?

    What now?
    After the events that took place in 1998 the group decided to fully get out of the spotlight and retreated. Many members returned back to their normal lives since Chen told them to if God had not came. The group remained under Chen’s control and all the members who stayed along with Chen himself have completely went ghost from the media since the failed event.