John Dalton
Father of Mondern Atomic theory
Determined that certian gasses maintained the same ratios of mxture regardless of the amount. He used that information to find the atomic weight of each element. Desovered that all mater is made of atoms. Thought that the atom looked like a solid ball. Info from: www.universetoday.com
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Periodic Table
Alexandre Beguyer de Chancourtois was the first geologist to recognize phyiscal properties of elements. The first table had a list of all the known elements info from: web.fccj.org
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Discovering Argon
Lord Rayleigh disvocered a new gas named argon. It did not fit in any know periodic groups. Lord Rayleigh was awarded the physics noble prize in 1904. info from: web.fccj.org -
J.J. Thomson
Discovered the electron. Thought there where negative and positve charges in the neuclous of the structure. info from: www.vigyanprasar.gov.in
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Discovering mass of an electron
Robert Millikan used Thomson's mass ration, using that he found the mass of one electron to be 9.11E-28 grams. He found this by putting charged oil droplets into fully charged electric fields. info from: www.columbia.edu -
Ernest Rutherford
An atom is mostly empty space with a postive charge in the nucleus. He thought the atom looked lke the rings around the planet, Saturn. info from; undsci.berkeley.edu
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Niels Bohr
Noticed from Rutherford's model that there was nothing to keep the electrons from spiraling into the nucleus making it very possible for the atom to colapse. Nucleus orbited by elcetrons at differnet levels. Thouhgt it looked like a nucleus (ball) in cener with rings around it on different levels. info from: undisci.berkeley.edu
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Organic bonding
Linus C. Pauling introduced orangic bonding. Organic bonding is the way atoms are joined together. info from: 001yourtranslationservice.com -
First inert gas compound
Many other compounds followed this compound. The group who did this was known as the Noble Gases info from: web.fccj.org