• John Dalton is born

    John Dalton is born
    Dalton is born in Eaglesfield, UK
  • Dalton defines the atom

    Dalton defines the atom
    Dalton hypothesized that the law of conservation of mass and the law of definite proportions could be explained using the idea of atoms. He proposed that all matter is made of tiny indivisible particles called atoms, which he imagined as "solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles.”
  • Robert Millikan is born

    Robert Millikan is born
    Robert Millikan is born in Morrison, USA
  • Albert Either is born

    Albert Either is born
    Einstein is born in Ulm, Germany
  • Niels Bohr is born

    Niels Bohr is born
    Niels Bohr is born in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Erwin Scheodinger is born

    Erwin Scheodinger is born
    Erwin is born in Vienna, Austria
  • James Chadwick is born

    James Chadwick is born
    James Chadwick is born in Bollington, UK
  • Louis De Broglie

    Louis De Broglie
    Broglie is born in Dieppe, France
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    Heisenberg is born in Würzburg, Germany
  • Albert Einstein’s atomic findings

    Albert Einstein’s atomic findings
    • Mathematically proved the existence of atoms
    • Using Planks finding explained the Photoelectric effect, where electrons are ejected when light shines on a metal
    • Proposed concept of Photons
  • Robert Millikan determines the magnitude of the electrons charge

    Robert Millikan determines the magnitude of the electrons charge
    He found this by taking 2 electrically charged drops of oil and suspended them between two metal plates where they were subjected to the downward force of gravity and upward attraction of an electrical field
  • Neils Bohr’s atom findings

    Neils Bohr’s atom findings
    • Neils Bohr creates a new atomic model
    • Proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, in orbit, around the nucleus
    • Each electron orbit has a fixed energy called energy levels.
    • Found this information by studying the way glowing, hot hydrogen gave off light
  • Louis De Broglie describes electrons as waves

    Louis De Broglie describes electrons as waves
    • Introduce the idea that particles, such as electrons, could also be described as waves
    • He thought this by the way streams of electrons were reflected against crystals and spread through thin metal foils
  • Erwin Schrodinger creates the Quantum Mechanical Model

    Erwin Schrodinger creates the Quantum Mechanical Model
    • Using Bohr's model he created the Quantum Mechanical Model
    • Quantum Mechanical Model used these calculations to describe the behavior of electrons
    • He made this by combining the equations for the behavior of waves with the de Broglie equation.
  • Werner Heisenberg concludes uncertainty

    Werner Heisenberg concludes uncertainty
    He discovered that a particle’s position and momentum can’t be known exactly
  • James Chadwick proves the existence of Neutrons

    James Chadwick proves the existence of Neutrons
    • Proved the existence of neutrons
    • He conducted an experiment where he bombarded Beryllium with alpha particles from the natural radioactive decay of Polonium.