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Chelsea's Erikson Timeline

  • Chelsea Goes to College

    Chelsea Goes to College
    Chelsea, age 17, goes to College after graduating high school to develop an awareness of who she is and what her capabilities are. Erikson's 5th stage is adolescence, crisis of identity versus identity confusion. The crisis is figuring out who you are as a person and how you fit within your culture, or feeling confused about who you are and if you are succeeding in life.
  • Chelsea gets remarried.

    Chelsea gets remarried.
    Chelsea, age 28, gets married for the second time. After one failed married she decides to take the leap at love and commitment by choosing to spend the rest of her life with her husband and combine identities. Erikson's 6th stage intimacy versus isolation, takes place in early adulthood. The crisis is becoming connected to another person forever by combining identities, or staying isolated and maintaining your own identity.
  • Chelsea cares for her family and the environment.

    Chelsea cares for her family and the environment.
    Chelsea, age 42, cares for her elderly mother, her 4 children, and her in-laws. They have an aquaponics farm in which they eco friendly sustain their food and environment. The 7th stage occurs in middle adulthood, and it involves the challenge of generativity versus stagnation. The crisis is to provide for generations to come or to focus on your own needs and end of feeling stagnation in your life.