Nov 17, 948
1946 Governor's Race
It was three Governors controversy began as a result of this election Eugene Talmadge was elected Georgia's governor but died before taking office current governor Ellis Arnall Lt. Governor Melvin Thompson and Herman Talmadge fought to choose the new governor. -
William B Hartsfield
William was the mayor of Atlanta for 6 terms. William helped lead the city in civil rights. William Hartsfeld the mayor of Atlanta gave active support in bringing air transportation to the state. -
Benjamin Mays
He was the President of Morehouses from 1940 -1967. Benjamin Mays was MLK Jr.s mentor. He believed in non-violet protest as a means of change .Benjamin Mays felt that black people in America were not treated as they should be. Served as Atlanta's . 1st Black school board a President . -
John Lewis
John Lewis grew up in a area of racial segregation. He was Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. He was born the son of sharecroppers.John Lewis had dedicated his life to protecting human rights, he was fighting for peace he volunteered to participate in the Freedom Rides, which challenged segregation at interstates bus terminals across the south. He attended segregated public schools. -
Herman Talmadge
He improved the prison system and created 3 cent sales tax o fund a lengthened school year and school improvement. His father was Eugene Talmadge . -
Brown v Board of education
It was Decision saying, segregation in school is a violation of the 14th amendment, 1954. The civil rights moments focused on equal rights for African Americans, but extended the idea for those with special needs and disabilities -
1956 State flag
The state flag controversy was created as a reaction to the Brown decision. The flag was for desegregation and federal government. The Confederate Battle Flag things between white and black citizens -
Sibley Commission
They gathered information on how people felt about desegregation in schools peacefully. It was created by the General Assembly travel throughout the state to find the feelings of GAins regarding integration of school. The Sibley Commisson went around to ask the people about desegregating the schools and report it back to the governor otherwise integration. -
Student Non- Violent Coordinating Committee
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, was a civil-rights group formed to give younger blacks more of a voice in the civil rights movement. SNCC volunteers gained early recognition for their lunch counter sit-ins at whites-only businesses and later for their participation in historic demonstrations that helped pave the way for the passage of landmark federal civil rights legislation in 1964 and 1965. SNCC made significant gains in voter registration for blacks in the South -
Hamilton Holmes & Charlayne Hunter
They were the first two African American studnets to initially rejected by the University of Georgia based on the race. They started the intergration process for African Americans to go to the same colleges as whites.After their arrival to the campus they were both suspended from the school because a riot broke out. They kept on getting rejected from going to UGA, But the NAACP finally helped them get into the school. -
The Albany Movement
Seven local black organizations and the Student Nov-Violent Coordinating Committee met and formed the Albany Movement. Their goal was to end segregation without violence. They sat in white only waiting rooms but they were arrested. That didn't stop them though. Martin Luther King Jr. led a march to the city hall where they prayed but many were arrested. -
Ivan Allen Jr
He was elected in 1961. Ivan worked with MLK jr. to ensure a smooth transition into desecration. He gave the African Americans the authority to arrest whites. He removed white and colored signs from city hall on his first day in office. -
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Jimmy Carter in georgia
Many African Americans were not treated equally Troubled by segregation, Jimmy Carter was a humanitarian who worked for human rights. He Thought all people should be treated unequally. -
March On Washington
March On Washington was held in 1963 to show support for the Civil Right Bill in Congress.
Martin Luther king gave his famous I have a dream speech. 250,000 people attended the rally.
80% of the marchers were black. -
1964 civil Right Act
By employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places. Desegregation the law of the land as it out lawed discrimination in employment and in public facilities such as restaurant theaters and hotel.On the basis of race color, religion, sex or national origin -
Lester Maddox
He was stridently opposed to the civil rights movement and led the states segregation effort . In office he promoted segregation as an issue of states rights. Before he became famous he once refused service to two black in his Atlanta restaurant -
Martin Lurther King Jr.
He was a U.S Baptist Minister and Civils rights leader. A noted orator , he opposed discrimination aganist blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He led freedom marches to draw attention to the movement. He was a gifted speaker and leader. -
Andrew Young
American activist, former pastor and diplomat from Georgia. Andrew Young served as Mayor of Atlanta, the US ambassador to the UN and as a congressman from the 5th congressional district from Georgia. Young was also a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) during the 1960s and was an ardent supporter and ally of Dr. Martin Luther King. -
Maynard Jackson
He was the first African American mayor southern city. From 1973- 1981. He served as Altanta's mayor. While mayor he was Instrumentality providing more contract work to black owned businesses and expanding Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport -
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1996 Olympic Games
The Olympic Games were an international athletic event that occurs every four years; the 1996 Olympic Games were awarded to Atlanta in the state of Georgia; Georgia has benefited economically due to the games.Athletic event that occurs every four years held in Atlanta in 1996.