Checkpoint #2

  • University of georgia founded

    University of georgia founded
    The first meeting of the board of trustees held in Augusta stated that their would be a university founded in Athens.
  • Yazoo land fraud

    Yazoo land fraud
    Georgia legislator were bribed in 1795 to sell most of the land now part of Mississippi.
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    it was a great effort bay the congress to trigger admission. at the time the us had been divided into slave free or union and slave or confederate
  • Eli Whitney and the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney and the cotton gin
    Eli created the most helpful tool a farmer could get back in the old days and that was a cotton gin because it greatly speeds the process up.
  • William Mcintosh

    William Mcintosh
    he was a controversial man of the lower creeks. He made efforts to gain control of all of the creeks but also supported other creek gods.
  • Dahlonega gold rush

    Dahlonega gold rush
    Gold was found in lumpkin county and spread north. When they found all of it north they moved west.
  • John marshall

    John marshall
    He was appointed secratary of state and cheif justice until he died in july.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    Native Americans lived on millions of acres of land. the trail of tears was natives forced to walk with John ross many died along the way that why its called the trail of tears
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    The Indian removal act was signed by him and authorized him to negotiate with southern Indian tribes.
  • Capitol moved to Louisville

    Capitol moved to Louisville
    After the british lleft, the capitol was moved to agusta but some were unhappy and wanted a election to move the capitol to atlanta.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Slave trade in washington was abolished. The reason for this was the compromise of 1850
  • georgia platform

    georgia platform
    Qualified support for the us union among Georgia conservatives. Consisted of a set of resolutions
  • Kansas nebraska act

    Kansas nebraska act
    Allowed people to decied if they wanted slaves. The act reppeld the missouri compromise
  • Dred scott case

    Dred scott case
    Dred Scott case was on of the most controversial events. Decisions outraged abolinists and heightend north south tentions.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    It was a court case with the Cherokee Indians versus a man named Samuel Worcester INthe great big supreme court justice system.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln beat southern John c. Breckenridge. plus union candidate John bell
  • Period: to

    Union blockade of georgia

    Along the coast of confederate Georgia. It was a strategy to block ports.
  • Emancipation proclomation

    Emancipation proclomation
    it was written in the third year of Americas bloodiest battle. All people held in the rebbelious states will and shall be freed.
  • Battle of chichamauga

    Battle of chichamauga
    Army in Tennessee defeated a union force. Then Union forces rushed the confederates
  • Period: to

    Andersonville prison camp

    IT was until the end of the american revolution. The location of The prison was in georgia.
  • Period: to

    Sherman's Atlanta campaign

    A series of battles along the western theater. His goal was to destroy a Tennessee army
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    Sherman's march to the sea

    It was a military campaign of the american civil war. Sherman and his army captured Atlanta Georgia
  • Thirteenth amendment

    Thirteenth amendment
    Abraham Lincoln signed the amendment. Th amendment abolished slavery
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's was created by congress. The reason for the Bureau was to protect former slaves.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    It was only in the southern states. Only white people were allowed
  • John Ross

    John Ross
    He was elected principle chief even tough the constitution was ratified. HE also was the man who was the leader of the trail of tears.
  • Fourteenth amendment

    Fourteenth amendment
    the law stated citizenship Rights and equal protection of laws.
  • fifteenth amendment

    fifteenth amendment
    Granted African american men the right to vote. Th amendment also made the discriminatory practice outlawed.