Georgia road map (1)

Checkpoint #1

By 4aparne
  • Period: 15,000 BCE to 8000 BCE

    Paleo Era

    The precise time us humans was born on this planet is mysterious. Oak, Elm, Hickory, and other trees replaced spruce and pine in northern georgia. Spear points were lance shaped in this era.
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Archaic period

    beginning archaic humans didn't store food and didn't stay in any one area for too long.But during the mid-period they would often stay in one location.Late archaic's people were increasing in native gathering to barter for exotic food.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to Oct 20, 900

    Woodland era

    Early woodland, pots were developed. settlements in the mid woodlands were extra fixed. Bows and Arrows were developed in the late woodlands.
  • Period: Nov 1, 1000 to

    MIssissippian era

    During the mississippian era we grew such plants as beans, corn. sunflowers, e.t.c. Houses were sometimes used to store stuff. Mississippians often lived near rivers.
  • Georgia Ratifies Constitution

    Georgia Ratifies Constitution