The Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States and made aa speech that consisted only of 701 words. -
The Fall of Richmond
The Union forces captured the capital of Virginia, Richmond which was the capital of the Confederate States of America. -
The Surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Confederate General Robert E. Lee and the army of Northern Virginia surrenders to General Grant at Appatomox. -
Washington Celebrates the End of the War
Lots of people celebrate the end of the war by shooting fireworks, waving paper American flags, and having parties. -
The Planning of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Booth wakes up and heads to Ford's Theatre and he gets a letter from Mary Todd Lincoln stating that the Lincolns would be coming to Ford's that night to watch a play. Booth then planned the Assignation to kill Abraham Lincoln. -
The Shooting of Abraham Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth shoots the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln at night. -
The Slicing of Seward
Lewis Powell injures many people including the Secretary of State, William H. Seward at night. -
The Crossing of the Navy Yard Bridge
Booth persuades Seargant Cobb to let him cross the Navy Yard bridge into Maryland. -
Booth picks up supplies at the Bryantown Tavern.
Booth picks up supplies and heads on his way to escape the Manhunters. -
Booth heads to Samuel Mudd's Farm
Booth and Herold arrive at the farm and Mudd lets them in. He treats Booth's leg and gives them food and supplies. Then he leaves heading south. -
Period: to
The Manhunt for John Wilkes Booth
The Manhunters go on a chase to capture Booth. -
Booth rides to Captain Cox's Place
Booth and Herold arrive at Cox's place and they hide in a thicket for a few days while Thomas Jones gave them food and supplies daily. -
The Arrest of Powell
Lewis Powell goes to Mary Suratt's boarding house and he walks right in to the government's hands. -
Booth and Herold Attempt to Cross the Potomac
Booth and Herold try to cross the Potomac but row the wrong way and row into the mouth of a creek in Maryland and have to wait until the next night to cross again. -
The Correct Crossing of the Potomac
Booth and Herold successfully cross the Potomac and Herold heads to Mrs. Quessenberry's house and she supplied them with horses and food. -
Booth and Herold head to Dr. Stuart's House
Dr. Stuart denies Booth and Herold hospitality and he forces them out of the house. -
Booth and Herold find Lucas' House
Lucas provides them with a team of horses, a driver, and a wagon. He also provides Booth and Herold with a place to stay for the night. -
William Rollins Takes Them From Port Conway to Port Royal
William Rollins and some Confederate soldiers acompany Booth and Herold across the Rappahanock River. -
Booth and Herold Stay at the Garret's Farm
Booth and Herold stay at Garret's farm for 2 days,played with the Garret children, and slept. -
Herold Surrenders to the Calvary
Herold escapes the barn and he gives himself up. -
Booth gets Captured and dies at Garret's Farm.
Booth gets shot and gets paralyzed. An hour later, Booth dies.