Charlie's Timeline Project

  • Jan 1, 1405

    Zheng He takes his first voyage

    Zheng He takes his first voyage
    Zheng He, the famous Chinese explorer, will set off on his first voyage.
  • Jan 1, 1419

    Prince Henry founds first navigation schoo,l.

    Prince Henry founds first navigation schoo,l.
    Portugal would cpome to have many navigation schools becasue Prince Henry wanted to travel and take over the spice trade, and convert people to Christianity.
  • Jan 1, 1433

    Ming China adopts isolation policy after Zheng He's 7th voyage.

    Ming China adopts isolation policy after Zheng He's 7th voyage.
    This policy would end up leading to the fall of Ming China. China would only trade with certain people, and would isolate themselves from everyone else.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in Hispaniola

    Christopher Columbus lands in Hispaniola
    Christopher Columbus will discover America(not the first person), thing that he has landed in India.
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Portuguese and the Spanish agree on an even line to split the newly discovered land. This is important becsue it is the main reason that people in these two areas speak Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Vasco de Gama reaches India

    Vasco de Gama reaches India
    Vasco de Gama foinally finds a trade route to India, and will set up a trading post in Calicut. This will lead to the eventual success the Portuguese had in the spice trade.
  • Tokugawa Leyasu becomes shogun of Japan

    Tokugawa Leyasu becomes shogun of Japan
    This leads to the moving of the capital from Kyoto to Edo. Also, he founds the Tokugawa shogunate. He even made the alternate attendance policy, for daimyos, which states that they have to come and live a year in Edo with their family every other year. This shogunate will last for 250 years.
  • Manchus establish Qing dynasty in China

    Manchus establish Qing dynasty in China
    The Ming dynasty is overthrown, and the Qing dynasty annd the Manchus will take over and earn China's respect by following Chinese customs.