Progress Report 2
Charlie is worred that he failed a test that researchers gave him. "I tryed hard but I still couldnt find the pictures I only saw the ink." (372) -
Progress Report 3
Charlie is ecstatic because researchers choose him for the procedure that the reader does not yet understand. "Their going to use me! Im so exited I can hardly write." (374) -
Progress Report 5
Charlie is worred about the procedure. "dr Struass says dont be supersitis Charlie this is sience. Anyway Im keeping my rabits foot with me." -
Progress Report 6
Charlie comes out of the operation unscathed, and is excited that the doctors tell him he will become a better speller. "The operashun dint hurt. He did it while I was sleeping." (376) -
Progress Report 8
Charlie gets to go back to the factory and work with his friends. "I shud go back to work but I cant tell anyone what the operashun was for and I have to come fto the hospitil for an hour evry night after work." (376) -
March 28
Dr. Strauss comes to Charlie's room to see why Charlie hasn't been visting the hospital like he is supposed to. Charlie is also given a machine that he will use at night to become smart. "He said I got to turn it on when I go to sleep... but he said if I wanty to get smart I got to do what he says." (377) -
April 6
Charlie finally beats Algernon, the mouse that he races on mazes. "I beat Algernon!... Then the second time I lost because I got so excited I fell off the chair before I finished." (379) -
April 20
Charlie figures how mean his co-workers have been to him, and he figures out that "pulling a Charlie Gordon" is a bad thing. "'Now I know what it means when they say "to pull a Charlie Gordon.' I'm ashamed." (383) -
Progress Report 12
All of the workers at the factory Charlie works at sign a petition so that Charlie will be fired. They don't like how Charlie has changed so much. "Mr. Donnegan showed me the petition. Eight hundred and forty names, everyone connected with the factory, except Fanny Girden." (388) -
May 18
Charlie becomes too smart for everyday conversation. He tries to keep the conversation on an everyday level with Ms. Kinnian, but he fails. "I tried to avoid all discussion of intellectual concept and to keep the conversation on a simple level... she asked me what I meant about the mathmatical variance equivalent in Dorbermann's Fifth Concerto." (390) -
May 29
Charlie gets his own lab for research about himself because he has become smarter than the doctors. "I have been given a lab of my own and permission to go ahead with the research... I find the calculus of intelligence to be a fascinating study." (394) -
June 4
Charlie finishes his very advanced paper about his mental progress and makes the discovery that it will reverse. "I am adding to the knowledge of the function of the human mind and of the laws governing the artificial increase of human intelligence." (395) -
June 23
Charlie has lost most of his memory of intellectual ideas and has lost his improved coordiantion too. "I realized I could no longer read German. I tested mself in other languages. All gone." (397) -
July 28
Charlie reaches the end of the reversion of artificial intellifence and goes back to Ms. Kinnian's class, which is very upseting for Ms. Kinnian. "I said hello Miss Kinnian Im redy for my lesin oday only I lost my reader that we was using. She startid to cry and run out of the room and everybody looked at me." (400)