Charles V

  • Feb 24, 1500

    Charles V Born

    Charles V was born in Ghent Belgium.
  • Jan 23, 1516

    King of Spain

    King of Spain
    He became king of Spain after the death of his grandfather, Ferdinand II of Aragon.
  • Jun 28, 1519

    Holy Roman Emperor

    He was elected Holy Roman Emperor after the death of Maximilian I. This united his Spanish and Habsburg territories under one ruler.
  • Period: Jan 28, 1521 to May 25, 1521

    Diet of Worms

    When Martin Luther defied Charles V's authority, Charles declared Luther an outlaw. This meant that anybody could kill him on sight. However, Luther faked being kidnapped about a month earlier than when they officially called him an outlaw to escape to a remote area for around a year.
  • 1536

    Spanish Inquisition

    Charles V intensified the Spanish Inquisitions efforts to get rid of heresy in Spain due to the protestants. They targeted converted Jews and protestant reformers.
  • Sep 27, 1540

    Jesuits receive approval

    Jesuits receive approval
    The Jesuits received formal approval from the Pope to counter protestant influence around Europe. The Jesuits's main goal was to educate people about catholicism around Europe and the World. They also believed that by doing this they would deepen their relationship with god.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was brought together by Charles V to address the issues the protestants talked about. It addressed most of these issues, and it reformed church practices to better suit what was needed.
  • Apr 24, 1547

    Battle of Mühlberg

    Battle of Mühlberg
    The Battle of Mühlberg lasted only a few hours. Charles V and his forces got a quick victory over the Protestant army. Despite its duration, it had a significant impact on the protestant army because they lost a lot of people, they lost a lot of territory, and it gave time for Charles V to push back against protestant reforms.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Once Charles V realized that getting rid of protestants was impossible the Peace of Augsburg emerged. The Peace of Augsburg considered Protestantism as a legitimate faith this allowed Protestant rulers to govern according to their beliefs without fear. The Peace of Augsburg also let them have land in southern Germany for Protestantism.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Charles V retired

    Charles V retires from his public life and splits the throne between his brother, Ferdinand I, and his son, Phillip II.
  • Sep 21, 1558

    Charles V dies

    Charles V died in Yuste, Spain.