Charles Robert Darwin Febuary 12, 1809-April 19, 1882

  • Publication of Voyage of the Beagle

    The publication of the journal Darwin kept during his almost 5 year voyage on the Beagle is published. In his journal Darwin argues fossil studies when compared to current species can only mean the evolution of one species into another, setting the stage for his evolutionary theory.
  • Voyage of the Beagle December 27, 1831-October 2, 1836

    Darwin set off on a circumnavigation alongside Capt. Robert Fitzroy of the royal navy known as The Voyage of the Beagle. During this excurtion Darwin studied many fossil records and animal species which he compared to current samples and concluded that they were the same due to a gradual transformation of one species into another.
  • Writing of the Origin of Species begins

    Darwin began writing Origin of Species in which he states amongst his theory of evolution amongst species that he also believes in human equality, and ones right to think freely about the existence of a god.
  • Publication of The Origin of Species...

    In 1859 Darwin's Origin of Species by natural selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life was published in London. In Darwin's Origin he argues that evolutionary species progress upward from primordial beginnings. Darwin believed evolution of a species was subject to factors like natural selection, breeding, adaptability, environment.
  • Evolution and Charles Darwin