Charles Robert Darwin February 12 1809- April 19 1882

  • Period: to

    Charles Darwin

  • The origin of species by mean of natural selection

    The origin of species by mean of natural selection
    Darwin publishes his first book “the origin of species by means of natural selection.
    Darwins theory argues how traits that differ from one species to another can explain how species evolve over time for example the beak that allows woodpeckers to gather insects. These traits are passed down from parent to child and aid in survival so over the years woodpeckers without this beak can potentially become extinct because they can not get insects as well as the others.
  • Second book

    Darwins second book “ the descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Contrary to common beliefs Charles Darwin did not say humans evolved from apes or monkeys just that they likely shared a recent common ancestor do to our many similarities.
  • Third book

    Darwin publishes “ the expression of the emotion. Darwin argues that all humans and some animals show emotion with similar behavior
  • Fourth book

    Insectivorous plants is published. Darwin observed that these plants secrete a fluid to digest food in a very similar way to animals.