
Charles Darwins

  • Charles Darwin's born

    Charles Darwin's born
    Charles Darwin is born at The Mount, Shrewsbury. He borns on February 12 of 1809.
  • Charles Darwin`s mother dies

    Charles Darwin`s mother dies
    The mother of Darwin dies, and his three old sisters take the responsibilities that her mother had.
  • Darwin goes to school

    Darwin attends Shrewsbury School as a boarder. He hates the school.
  • Charles leaves school

    Charles is removed from school,and he goes to Edinburgh University, to study medicine. Then Charlie hate the university and he leaves Edinburgh without taking a degree.
  • Darwin marries

    Darwin marries
    Darwin marries Emma Wedgwood, who was his first cousin. Their first child that was called William Erasmus, was born on December 27th.
  • Darwin move to Down House

    Darwin move to Down House
    Darwin and his family move to Down House.Too in that year he wrote a sketch of the theory of evolution.
  • Charles write a manuscript

    Charles write a manuscript
    Charles wrote a manuscript of 231 pages and he finished.
  • Charles´daughter died

    Charles´daughter died
    The eldest daughter of Charles, name Anne died on April 23, 1851. She had 10 years when she dies. Her parents were devastated, because of this situation.
  • Elected to the Royal Society's

    Darwin was elected to the Royal Society's Philosophical Club, and to the Linnean Society in 1854.
  • Charles invites some naturalists

    Charles invites some naturalists to the weekend party that they will had, where they will discuss their ideas of the species. At the end, he begins to write for his publication of ``encouraged by Lyell``.
  • Work was published on the Journal

    Work was published on the Journal
    Hooker and Lyell, extracts from Darwin's work and a paper by Wallace are presented at the Linnean Society. This work is later published as "On the tendency of species to form varieties" in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society
  • Scientific Supporters

    Charles begins to dominate the views of the ``British Association´´, as chief scientific supporters.
  • The Descent of Man was published

    The Descent of Man was published, and ``The Origin`` was extensively re written to answer some arguments by Mivart.
  • Charles died

    Charles died
    After a heart attack on Christmas, followed by seizures, Charles Darwin died, in great suffering, at Down House.Then he was buried in Westminster Abbey.