Charles Darwin Timeline- Markus

By Markus1
  • Birth

    Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England
  • 1825

    Charles Darwin is sent to university to study medicine.
  • 1827

    Darwin leaves medical school
  • 1828

    Darwin enters Christ's college in Cambridge
  • 1831

    Darwin completes his BA exam, sets sail on the Beagle. Later arrives in the Galapagos Islands. He discovered birds of the islands had different beaks based on the availability of food.
  • 1837

    Darwin reads "Observations...on the coast of chile"
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    Darwin is elected to the athenaeum, the royal society, and the council of the royal geographical society. Darwin marries Emma Wedgewood.
  • 1842

    Darwin writes the sketch of evolutionary theory.
    According to Darwin, all organisms had one common ancestor at some early point in time and have continued to evolve ever since. Darwin's theories evolution is a slow and gradual process. It is a steady process over an extended period. Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. . J. Murray, 1859.
  • 1846

    Darwin finishes Beagle Voyages: Geological Observations on South America.
    Darwin, Charles. Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands. Smith, Elder and Co. , 1844.
  • 1853

    The Royal Society gives a royal medal to darwin for his work with barnacles
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    Darwin experiments plants and animals could reach oceanic islands to further support his theories in the Galapagos.
  • 1859

    The Royal society gives Darwin the Copley Medal.
  • 1868

    Variation of animals and plants under domestication is published
  • 1871

    Darwin receives his doctorate of law from Cambridge.
  • Death

    Charles darwin dies after months of seizures. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.
    Over the course of his life, Charles Darwin made observations on animal distribution. He Is recognized as the father of evolution because of his theories on evolution.