Charles darwin

Charles Darwin Timeline

  • Birth

    On February 12th, 1809 Charles Robert Darwin was born in the Mount House located in Shrewsbury, England. His father Robert Darwin was a successful doctor while his mother Susannah Darwin was the daughter of a well known pottery maker.
  • Edinburgh

    In October of 1825 Charles was sent to the university of Edinburgh to follow in his father footsteps of becoming a doctor. While attending school Darwin showed a great disinterest in his studies and knew that he did not want to follow through in becoming a doctor.
  • Cambridge

    After Darwin left from Edinburgh from his lack of interest in his studies to become a doctor he was sent to Cambridge in 1828. Charles father Robert decided it would be best for Charles to study towards a career as a clergyman. Charles showed very little interest towards his studies as a priest but developed a great interest in animals and plants. He made friends with a botanist professor John Henslow who would offer Charles a great opportunity later on.
  • HMS Beagle

    HMS Beagle
    In December of 1831 a 5 year voyage around the world was being developed by the British Royal Navy. Robert Fitzroy the Captain of the HMS Beagle asked professor Henslow for his recommendation for a naturalist who can join him on his voyage and Henslow had recommended Charles. During this 5 year journey Charles had made great discoveries and research on species, fossils and plant life that would support him in his successful work later on.
  • Galapagos Discoveries

    Galapagos Discoveries
    In September of 1835 the HMS Beagle had arrived to the Galapagos Islands. During their time in port Charles had made great progress within his research and had taken extensive notes on his observations on the plant and animal life throughout the Islands. It was here that Darwin made a great start on his development of theories on evolution.
  • Journal of Research

    Journal of Research
    Following Charles voyage on the HMS Beagle he began to compile all of his research that he had acquired. In 1839 Charles Darwin Published his first book which was originally titled the Journal of research. It was compiled of all of Charles discoveries in great detail and went over his discovery in great detail on how the species differed from island to island in the Galapagos. His journal served as his first book and contributed to his later works starting his theory on evolution.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    In November of 1859, Charles Darwin book "On the origin of species by means of natural selection" was published. this was Charles most popular work and it went over his theory that species evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. Charles Darwin work and his theories of evolution gave him the well deserved reputation of the father of evolution. His worked paved the way for scientist later on to have a great starting point on how they conduct their research.
  • Death of Darwin

    Death of Darwin
    In April of 1882 Charles Darwin died in his home among his family at Down House, London. Darwin was ill from a disease that affected his heart and died at the age of 73.
  • Instructional Video

    Instructional Video
    Attached is an instructional video on Charles Darwin.