Selective breeding Vs Natural Selection
In September 1838, Darwin had read Malthu's "An Essay on the Prinicple of Population" and later wrote in his Autobiography that " it at once struck me that under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavourable ones to be destroyed" In December of 1838, Darwin observed and compared the similarities between natural selection and Selective breeding by looking at farmers in England. -
Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Darwin established his theory of evolution in his 1859 publication "On the Origin of Species". The book introduced the theory of every living thing evolving over the generations of the species via the process of natural selection. It included evidence gathered on his expeditions in the 1830's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQp2lFcDEbw -
"Darwinism" Coined
The term "Darwinism", more commonly known as the Darwinian Theory was coined in 1860 by English Biologist Thomas Henry Huxley. It was used to as a way of exploring and describing all evolutionary theories, not just Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection. It included earlier concepts of evolution, to include philosopher Herbert Spencer's earlier theories on evolution, which lead to his "survival of the fittest" term -
1880's-1920's "The Eclipse of Darwinism"
After Darwin's death in 1882, Scientific circles carried on his research and study of the theory of evolution, as it was being widely accepted as a correct theory, but there were multiple theories coming to light to help expand on his. Of course, the Theistic evolution theory was thrown into the mix, as religion was still a huge part of society in that day and age, and it was easy to believe that god had directly guided evolution, giving religion a way of explaining the science