Charles darwin

Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809-April 19,1882)

  • Birth date and place

    Birth date and place
    Charles Robert Darwin, also known as Charles Darwin is an English naturalist born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shrosphire, England to society Doctor Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Wedgwood. Adrian J. Desmond, "Charles Darwin: British Naturalist", Britannica
    Apr 15, 2021,, Web, April 23, 2021
  • Early life and education

    Early life and education
    Born to a doctor, Darwin's father had high hopes he would go to school and earn a medical degree. Despite not being interested in becoming a doctor he started at Edinburgh University in Scotland where he attended at the age of 16. He continued his studies at Cambridge and discovered his love for natural history. National Geographic Society, "Charles Darwin" National Geographic
    August 23, 2019,, Web, April 23, 2021
  • Early life and education continued

    Early life and education continued
    In 1831, Darwin embarked a ship for the British Royal Navy where he was employed as a naturalist. His mission was to survey the coastline of South America. He collected samples of plants, animals, soil, etc. to make better maps of the region. National Geographic Society,"Charles Darwin", National Geographic
    August 23, 2019,, Web. April 23, 2021
  • Darwin forms his theory

    Darwin forms his theory
    Darwin's theory was that species arise from naturally, by a process called evolution, rather than being created by a God.
    Darwin started working on his theory of natural selection in the early 1830s but he worked on it quietly for the next 20 years because he wanted evidence that supported his theory before making it public. Sulloway, Frank J., "The Evolution of Charles Darwin",
    2005,, Web, April 24, 2021
  • Theory of evolution

    Theory of evolution
    What is Evolution? Darwin thought of it as "populations and species of organisms change over time. That new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species have a common ancestor." No Author, "Darwin, Evolution, and natural selection"
    No publish date,, Web, April 24, 2021 Editors, "Origins of Species"
    November 24, 2009,, Web, April 24, 2021
  • Publish of his theory "Origin of Species"

    Publish of his theory "Origin of Species"
    In 1844, Darwin had already had theory going about natural selection but he was worried about publishing it because it goes against the bible. In 1858, British naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace published a similar theory to Darwin's. November 24, 1859, Darwin published his book "Origins of Species" that says that species evolve and all living things can trace their descent to a common ancestor. Example: the domesticated dogs are descendants of wolves.
  • Death of Charles Darwin

    Death of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin at the age of 73, after suffering some life long illnesses since his 20s, died of a fatal heart attack. Darwin left behind his wife, Emma (His first cousin) and 7 (10 total, 3 who had died before age 11) children. Harmon, Katherine, "Charles Darwin's family tree tangled with
    inbreeding, early death", Scientific American
    May 3, 2010,, Web, 4/24/21 Cohen, Jennie, "What killed Charles Darwin", History
    May 3, 2011,, web 4/24/21