Charles darwin

Charles Darwin February 12,1809 - April 19,1892

  • Voyage on the HMS Beagle

    Voyage on the HMS Beagle
    At the beginning of Darwin's career, he attended the University of Edinburg then later to the Christ's College in Cambridge. After graduation, Charles Darwin applied for a naturalist job on the HMS Beagle. This ship sailed for 5 years to do a survey of the world. Charles traveled from to the Galapagos, South America and the Pacific Islands. From his adventures, Darwin started his book the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection from his observations and collections of the natural world.
  • Conclusion of the Voyage

    Conclusion of the Voyage
    Charles Darwin returned home a respected scientist thanks to a good friend John Henslow who kept all his notes from him and created a pamphlet that detailed all Charles work throughout his voyage. Now that his scientific work was starting to get noticed, Charles started to research more and more to perfect his theory on evolution and natural selection.
  • Unplanned Interruption to Darwin's Work

    Unplanned Interruption to Darwin's Work
    On June 6th 1858, Charles Darwin received a letter from a collector, Alfred Russel Wallace saying that he wanted to put out a paper similar to his own theory of evolution. Fearing that all his hard work would be credited to another, Charles gave his opinion and had his good friends Charles Lyell and Joseph Dalton Hooker look over his papers and well as Wallaces. A couple of weeks later, both Darwin's and Wallace's scientific papers were read to the Linnean Society by Hooker and Lyell.
  • Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

    Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
    Charles Darwin's (Origin of Species) work changed the way scientists and philosophers think about how the Earth changes over time, events that happened in the past can be explained through the process of evolution and that we as humans do not need to rely on just the supernatural to explain how life was created.