Born In Shrewsbury, England
Born to Susannah Wedgwood and Robert Waring Darwin -
Period: to
HMS Beagle Voyage
Charles Darwin accepted an opportunity to be a naturalist for Captain Fitzroy. During this voyage he made very important discoveries like huge fossils that had yet to be identified. This established Charles as an important geologist and set that stage for his future work. -
Conceived his theory of natural selection
During Darwin's voyage he was able to observe many things in nature. Within these observations he was able to find similarities, especially those based on location. These similarities he perceived led him to evaluate the rate at which the population increases in comparison to how the supply to food and resources increase. What he found in these comparisons led him to his theory on natural selection which gives insight into how a species survives and what traits are prized in that pursuit. -
Published "The Voyage of the Beagle"
Charles Darwin's experience during this voyage is probably the single most important event that helped shaped his career, primarily as a geologist. Upon his return he compiled this book full of his many observations and experiences. This book is still used today and his observations have stood the test of time. They serve as a foundation for many of the scientific discoveries of the modern world. This exciting recount of Darwin's experiences is what brought him fame. -
Published "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs"
During his time on the HMS Beagle Voyage Darwin made many important discoveries. These discoveries made a huge impact on his future theories and also on the science world at large. This monograph was ahead of its time and it is still used today when it comes to research and experiments involving the Coral Reef. This book won an award called the Royal Society’s Royal Medal for its' amazing contribution to science. -
Credited for discovering the Theory of Natural Selection
After working on and testing his theory of natural selection for some time he joined forces with Alfred Russel Wallace. They presented their findings to the Linnean Society of London. This presentation, "On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection" has become the foundation of modern evolutionary studies, most notably human evolution.
Here's more information:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w56u2gv8XLs -
Buried at Westminster Abbey.
Here is a copy of his last will and testament: http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=side&itemID=YorkProbateSubRegistry&pageseq=1