
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

  • Darwins beginning

    Darwins beginning
    Charles Robert Charles Robert Darwin was born onFebruary 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury England , he was a naturalist and biologist known for his theory of evolution and the process of natural selection.

    Young Darwin spent his time helping his father treat the poor of Shropshire.He then started to go as an apprentice in with his father where his started to feel that lectures and surgeries was not for him and turned down his future studies in the medical campus.
  • Darwins first voyage

    Darwins first voyage
    Darwin began his voyage around the world in HMS Beagle as it the ship's naturalist. In this 5 year voyage Darwin he collected numerous specimens such insects, plants, birds, mammals and fossils allowing him to observe principles in biology. he recorded the unique natural life found in these peculiar lands.these achievements and finding provided an impact on natural history and became an "awakening" in Natural Sciences.
  • Darwin's Theory

    Darwin's Theory
    By 1859 Darwin had studied multiple texts and having done multiple scientific studies on his own, Darwin had developed what would become known as his theory of evolution,Darwin's most famous work, a book called Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, later was published. which introduce the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generation through the process of natural selection.
  • First Award

    First Award
    1864 Darwin was awarded with the highest honor medal in the royal society. Although the church was not please of this event . Darwin was part of a club know as "X Club" which consist of men who where devoted to pure science and free, untrammeled by religious dogmas. This medal was given as an award for outstanding achievements in research of biological sciences
  • 'The Descent of Man" was published

    'The Descent of Man" was published
    Darwin applies evolutionary theory to human evolution, and details his theory of sexual selection. This book contains 2 volumes, it discuses many issues related evolutionary psychology , evolutionary ethics and differences between human races and sexes including the relevance of evolutionary theory to society.
  • Darwin Death

    Darwin Death
    Darwin was an eminent figure, still working on his contributions to evolutionary thought that had an enormous effect on many fields of science.