
Charles Darwin

By moobjam
  • On the Origin of Species

    On the Origin of Species
    Charles Darwin published his first book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." The book was immediately a best seller, though there was lots of skepticism on the argument of evolution that he provided. Darwin is of course known for his theory of evolution, so we know eventually people would come around. His theory could be classified as one of Thomas Kuhns ideas of a paradigm shift.
  • Darwinism dominates the views of the British Association

    Darwinism dominates the views of the British Association
    After Darwin had now received an award in 1864, the Copley medal of the Royal Society, for his views even after much debate if he should receive it due to the Origin of Species, the idea of Darwinism began to spread widely and be accepted. The British Science Association began supporting the idea, which is a society founded in 18331 to aid in promotion and development of science.
  • The Descent of Man

    The Descent of Man
    Darwin proceeds to then publish his second book: "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex." This book focused much more on human evolution and sexual selection. Darwin includes human beings in the natural order, which causes media to begin calling him an ape or monkey. It's fairly obvious a lot of people didn't really agree with him in certain aspects. Though his ideas would be widely accepted eventually, meaning a paradigm shift did in fact occur.
  • The Origin of Species is Re-written.

    Around the time of the release of his second book, Darwin had decided to re-write the Origin of Species many times in order to answer some arguments put against him. In his 6th edition, he coins and uses the word "evolution" for the first time. Darwin had a large impact on the view of how humans and even life came to be, and it clearly took a lot to make his point and prove it.
    Here is a short video that explains his idea of evolution: