
Charles Darwin; February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882

  • Darwin attends Edinburgh University

    Darwin attends Edinburgh University
    Darwin under the pressure of his father enrolled at Edinburgh University in hopes of attaining a Bachelor's of Arts in medicine, however Darwin was not a fan of the lectures and found the sight of surgery repulsive. Later he learned the art of taxidermy then joined a society of naturalists where he learned the ideas of how man may not have come from God's creation but instead by gradual changes overtime. Darwin began collecting beetles thus creating a new found fascination.
  • Voyage aboard the HMS Beagle begins

    Voyage aboard the HMS Beagle begins
    After the death of a close friend Darwin was given the opportunity of a life time from a man by the name of Reverend Henslow informing him that there was a spot on the ship called the HMS Beagle. This would give Darwin the opportunity to travel to and around South America and observe different animals and fossils as well as collect samples of each of these. This five year expedition would lead to possibly one of the greatest scientific break through s the Theory of Evolution.
  • The Galapagos Islands

    The Galapagos Islands
    After traveling around the entire content of South America Darwin was able to collect many different fossils and specimens to which he sent back to Cambridge. However possibly the most important stop of the expedition was when he landed on the Galapagos Islands. This is where Darwin observed giant tortoises that seemed to have different shell shapes based on what island they lived on, as well as finches that seemed to have different beaks based on different niches they lived in.
  • The Theory of Evolution

    The Theory of Evolution
    After collecting many species, fossils, plants and even illustrations of other animals Darwin finally had enough information to formulate his theory. After seeing how the shells of the tortoises and the beaks of the finches were different in shape and sized based on a certain area they lived in he realized that they all came from a common ancestor. However being that they had differences in there composition he proposed that certain animals are better predisposed for survival than others.
  • On The Origin of Species

    On The Origin of Species
    After years of research collecting fossils illustrations and even observing and even corroborating with fellow scientist, Darwin finally published a book on his theory named On The Origin of species. Although reluctant to publish it at first this book and the ideals within it became a corner stone in scientific history.
  • Sources Cited

    Darwin , Charles. “On the Origin of Species.” Darwin Online, 1836,
    Desmond, Adrian J. “The Beagle Voyage.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15 Apr. 2020,