Charles Darwin Feb 12, 1809-Apr 19, 1882

  • Charles Darwin Born

    Charles Darwin Born
    Charles Darwin, father of Darwinism is born in the modern day United Kingdom. In Shrewsbury.
  • Charles Darwin Voyage on the Beagle

    Charles Darwin Voyage on the Beagle
    Charles Darwin begins his voyage on the Beagle. This voyage resulted in the categorizing of hundreds of new species, and would later be published in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species."
  • On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection is published

    On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection is published
    Darwin's first full book on the findings during his voyage with the beagle is published. This officially showed the theory that species evolve over time to make themselves more efficient at surviving in their current ecosystem. It showed the the theory of natural selection. That the weak traits of a species get taken out of a line. Essentially, only the strong survive.
  • Published last edition of Origin

    Published last edition of Origin
    Over the course of 13 years, Charles Darwin would publish a total of six editions of his "Origin" book. Each with new findings and theories of evolution and natural selection. His last edition seemed to be solely to refute St George Mivart. “Timeline of the Life of Charles Robert Darwin.” Darwin Online,
  • Charles Darwin Dies

    Charles Darwin Dies
    The father of Darwinism dies of old age at the age of 73, after many years of bad health, he was finally buried in Westminster Abbey.