Charles Darwin by Kevin Kopsie for Phil 202

  • Charles Darwin is Born

    Charles Darwin is Born
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12th, 1809 at The Mount, Shrewbury. His parents were Susanne Wedgwood and Doctor Robert Waring Darwin (Physician). (1).
  • Darwin's Early Academic History

    Darwin's Early Academic History
    Charles Darwin attended Unitarian day school and he was later transferred to Shrewsbury Boarding School (1). Darwin while attending Shrewbury, disliked the school and described it as "narrow and classical" (1). Darwin was removed from the school in 1825. (1).
  • Medical School for Darwin

    Medical School for Darwin
    After his time in Shrewbury was unsuccessful, Darwin switched his efforts of shadowing his father. Later in the year, he went to study medicine with his brother Erasmus at Edinburgh University.
  • Darwin starts Clerical Studies

    Darwin starts Clerical Studies
    Darwin left Edinburgh without taking a degree. Darwin's father, insisted that Darwin should take up Clerical Studies at Cambridge.
  • Darwin attends Cambridge

    Darwin attends Cambridge
    Darwin starts his studies at Cambridge College.
  • Darwin takes BA exam

    Darwin takes BA exam
    Darwin takes his BA exam and was ranked 10th out of 178 candidates.
  • The Beagle

    The Beagle
    Darwin set sail on the Beagle.
  • Darwin reads first scientific paper

    Darwin reads first scientific paper
    Darwin reads "Observations...on the coast of Chile" at the Geological Society in London.
  • Darwin Marries Emma Wedgwood

    Darwin Marries Emma Wedgwood
    Darwin gets married to his first cousin, Emma Wedgwood. Their first child is born on December 27th and his name is William Erasmus.
  • Darwin's The Beagle Journal

    Darwin's The Beagle Journal
    After 5 years, Darwin publishes "Journals and Remarks" AKA "The Voyage of the Beagle". In the book, he describes his discoveries and adventures that he has made on his journey along the coast of South America. (1).
  • Darwin Contributions to Science

    Darwin Contributions to Science
    Darwin writes 3 books describing his adventures while on the Beagle , "Geological Observations on the Southern Parts of South America", "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs", and the last one being "Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands" (1). He finishes the last book in 1846. (1).
  • Darwin writes about Evolutionary Theory

    Darwin writes about Evolutionary Theory
    Darwin writes a 35 page rough draft of his theory of evolution and starts the process of it getting publicized all in 1842. (1).
  • Darwin's Manuscript

    Darwin's Manuscript
    Darwin finished his 230 manuscript on the theory of evolution in 1844. His best friend Joseph Dalton Hooker responds to his earlier drafts of evolutionary theory.(4).
  • Darwin Writes and Publishes "The Origin of Species"

    Darwin Writes and Publishes "The Origin of Species"
    Darwin moved quickly to write the book "The Origin of Species" out of fear that others might publish his findings faster than him.(1). The book is the biggest contribution to the philosophy of science from Darwin. Darwin was invited to the British Association in 1860, but he could not attend due to illness. (2).
  • Dwarinism Dominates

    Dwarinism Dominates
    In 1866, Darwinism begins to dominate the views of the British Association, as Darwin's chief scientific supporters, Hooker and Huxley, are Presidents. (1). August 1866, Hooker gives a speech on the topic on behalf of Darwin at the British Association (3).
  • Darwin's Death

    Darwin's Death
    Charles Darwin suffered a heart attack on Christmas and was followed by seizures. (1). Darwin dies, in great suffering, at Down House. He is later buried in Westminster Abbey. (1).
  • Citations

    1.“A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” University of Cambridge, Accessed 23 Oct. 2021.
    2.“British Association Meeting 1860.” Darwin Correspondence Project, 12 June 2015, www.darwinproject.
  • Citations

    3.“Darwin in Letters,1866: Survival of the Fittest.” Darwin Correspondence Project, 12 June 2015,