
Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Birth of Charles Darwin

    Birth of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England. he was one of six wealthy and privileged kids. His Mother died at the age of eight, so Charles was mainly raised by his father, Dr. R.W. Darwin, who was a medical doctor. During his youth he enjoyed exploring nature.
  • Start of Darwin's Education

    Start of Darwin's Education
    At age 16 Charles Darwin, and his brother Erasmus, enrolled in Edinburgh University. His Father wanted him to study medicine and become a doctor like himself, but Charles was not keen to the sight of blood. Additionally, Charles preferred the study of natural history. While at Christ's College Charles gained a mentor by the name of John Henslow.
  • Voyage on the HMS Beagle

    Voyage on the HMS Beagle
    After graduating with his Bachelors of Arts degree in 1831 , Charles Darwin was offered a naturalists position on the HMS Beagle by his mentor, John Henslow. The ship was to take a five year survey across the world. On the 27th of December Darwin began his long voyage across the globe on the HMS Beagle.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    After being able to experience the world and writing all of his findings in his journal, Charles Darwin took a particular interest in the Galapagos Island's. He took the information he had gathered from that trip and combined it with what he had studied about species, he developed his theory of evolution. On November 24th of 1859 he published this theory in his most well known work, the "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". Link text
  • Death of Charles Darwin

    Death of Charles Darwin
    On April 19th, 1882 the world lost a major contributor to the scientific realm. Charles Darwin died of old age at his family home in London. Although he had passed away, the world has continued to use his research as the base for countless scientific theories.