Charles Darwin and his theories of the Big Bang Theory[ born Febuary 12, 1809/ died April 19, 1982]

  • Charles Darwin and his theories of the Big Bang Theory

    Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace gave a jaw-dropping new age belief statement through a therory that our immense and violent, yet extremely balance, and precise Universe; all began with a "Big Bang" that went forth to create the Universe as we know it over billions of years.
  • Darwin and Evolution: theories and scientific breakthroughs...

    ( In 1859 Charles Darwin wrote and published a book called, "Origin of Species" Evolution and Charles Darwin Nova Discovery
  • Charles Darwin and his theories of natural selection...
    In 1859, at the age of 50 Darwin was ready to unleash to the scientific and learned world stage about the term natural selection..., "When reproductive isolation occurs new species will form. (Phillip McClean)
  • Darwin refines his works to be and receives Copley Medal search Charles Darwin (Copley Medal)