Birth 2/12/1809
Born in England -
Starts school
Charles starts a prestigious school called shrewsbury -
Bad grades get you busted
Charles father pulled him out of school due to his failing grades. -
Theories start
Charles starts coming up with his own theories about living things and their origins. He began studying aquatic animals. -
I now present the first paper
In 1826 Charles joined the Plinian Society. In 1827 he presented his first documented paper to them. -
It's a bugs life
Charles starts attending Christ's College where he begins studying bugs and their life cycles. He finds it incredibly interesting. -
Come sail away
Charles had joined the Beagle voyage and had the opportunity to sail to South America and study the animals, insects and culture there. -
Let the theories of mutations begin
Charles started writing his theories of mutations out he was documenting mutations and evolutions of animals within their species. -
first comes love then comes marriage
In 1839 Charles took a wife. A wife that also happened to be his cousin. Her name was Emma. -
How did we evolve?
Charles believed he would be ridiculed for his theory on evolution and possibly even murdered; he gave his wife very specific instructions on what to do with the writings if he died. -
Charles was given the most prestigious science award known as the Copley Medal. It is awarded by the Royal society of London. -
Even those that evolve die
Charles Darwin impacted science greatly and irritated the religious people with his theory of evolution. In 1882 Charles died. -