Charles Darwin (Feb 12,1809 - Apr 19, 1882)

  • Darwin Was Born

    Darwin Was Born
    Born in Shrewsbury, England
  • Joins Shrewsbury School

    Joins Shrewsbury School
    After the death of his mother in 1817, Charles Darwin joins Shrewsbury School as a boarder, with his older brother Erasmus.
  • Darwin joins the Beagle voyage

    Darwin joins the Beagle voyage
    Joins the voyage and travels for 5 years across the world. Expanding his mind and opening up to more theories
  • Darwin Marries Emma

    Darwin Marries Emma
    Charles Darwin marries Emma Wedgwood, his first cousin. They have ten children (three die in childhood) and remain devoted to each other. Emma and the children play important roles in collecting data, liaising with correspondents and illustrating and editing Darwin’s work.
  • On the Origin Of Species Published

    On the Origin Of Species Published
    Darwin's theory of evolution posits that the gradual divergence of species over time is attributable to variations in traits and adaptations between them. These variations can be observed not only in the natural world, but also within domesticated species, and serve to enable them to adapt and survive in their respective environments.
  • The Descent of Man is published

    The Descent of Man is published
    In "The Descent of Man," Darwin provides a compelling argument that humans' origins, both physical and mental, came from the same initial source as other mammals such as monkeys, apes, dogs, and horses. He presents ample evidence to support his claim and lays out a detailed account of how humans evolved over time. Darwin's work challenged traditional beliefs about the origins of humanity and sparked a new era of scientific inquiry into the subject.
  • The Expression of the Emotions is published

    The Expression of the Emotions is published
    Darwin publishes The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Charles Darwin and Wilhelm Wundt had different views on how to categorize emotions. Darwin believed that emotions were made up of separate and distinct modules, such as anger, fear, and disgust. On the other hand, Wundt proposed that emotions could be categorized based on two dimensions: pleasantness and activity
  • Last book published

    Last book published
    The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Actions of Worms is published. Worms are found in many places, from the forest floor to mountains, and in many locations around the world. Though they are considered terrestrial animals, they are really semi-aquatic, like other annelids; they die quickly in air but survive for months in water. Though inactive during the day, they sometimes come out of their burrows at night.
  • Death Of Charles

    Death Of Charles
    Death due to Heart Attack and Seizures.
    If you would like to learn more about his life please click the link below!