Charles Darwin

  • Charles Robert Darwin

    Charles R. Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England; Darwin's death occurred on April 19 of 1882 in Downe, England at his home.
  • Charles Darwin's voyage

    Charles Darwin boarded the "Beagle" in 1835, this voyage was lead through waters to a group of archipelagos along the Pacific equator known as "The Galapagos". This voyage is crucial to Darwin's history because throughout this voyage he gathered samples and research on the wildlife and nature that occupied these islands.
  • Charles Darwin's research and results from "The Beagle"

    The only way Darwin could make sense of the similarities between wildlife and nature from island to island is actual rather simple, the initial species was bore on mainland and continued evolving until each species spread from island to island.
  • Continuation of Darwin's thought process

    One other thing Darwin was certain about was "sexual selection" "meaning the selection that comes from competition for mates. He divided it into two kinds. First there is sexual selection through male combat, as when two stags fight for the female and in successive generations the stags’ antlers get bigger and bigger. Second there is sexual selection through female choice, as when females choose between males with which to mate." (Ruse, Michael, and Michael Ruse.)
  • Charles Darwin's continuation of research

    Once back home in Strewsbery, England (which is rich in farmland and agriculture) Darwin continued his research on his findings while upon "The Beagle" voyage. One thing Darwin knew for certain was how farmers used systematic selection; farmers would choose their best of stock to continue on future generations. Then it clicked for Charles, "natural selection" also known as "the survival of the fittest" perhaps.
  • Citations and References, Youtube video

    Ruse, Michael, and Michael Ruse. Charles Darwin, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2008. ProQuest Ebook Central,
    Created from apus on 2022-12-24 16:57:25.
    Some of the dates on this video differ slightly from mine, however I got my information from my textbook I used in History in Science and I am confident in the work and dates I am submitting.