Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin is born
    Charles Darwin was born on February 2, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England, ( His parents were Dr. Robert and Susannah Darwin and his grandfather was Erasmus Darwin, who was also a scientist. As a child, he took after his grandfather with his strong interest in nature and curiosity of the world around him (Bar-Yam).
  • Louisiana becomes a U.S. State

    Louisiana becomes a U.S. State
    Louisiana became a part of the United States after they bought the Louisiana Purchase from France.This new land was divided into the Territory of Orleans, which is now present-day Louisiana, and the District of Louisiana, which was later called the Missouri Territory (Chapman).
  • Mexico Declares Independence

    Mexico Declares Independence
    Mexico was previously controlled by Spain. It was the Royalists that proposed the idea of independence. The leader of the Royalists negotiated the Plan of Iguala to gain independence. It proposed an independent constitutional monarchy for government and the Catholic Church would remain in place (Spain Accepts Mexican Independence).
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star Spangled Banner
    Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner (Grun). This song eventually became America's National Anthem. Originally, he wrote it as a poem during the Battle of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.
  • The Hundred Days Begins

    The Hundred Days Begins
    Louis XVII flees France. Napoleon takes over his rule after escaping from his exile. The Hundred Days period begins because Napoleon stays in power for 100 days (Grun).
  • Florida is Purchased

    Florida is Purchased
    John Quincy Adams signed the Florida Purchase treaty with Spain. The United States had gained Florida after years of neogtiations and disputes over boundaries. The Adam-Onis Treaty was finally formed (“The U.S. Aquires Spanish Florida").
  • First College

    First College
    Darwin enrolled at Edinburgh University at age 16 ( His father always wanted him to be a physician, so that was his goal. Darwin gave medical school a shot, but he couldn't stand the sight of blood. He had to drop out; he was not cut out to be a doctor afterall. It was important because it set him on the right path to do what he was meant to do.
  • United States President

    United States President
    John Quincy Adams was inaugurated as the sixth presisent of the United States (Grun). His father was John Adams, the second president of the United States. He was admitted to Harvard in 1786 (Jones).
  • Second College

    Second College
    Charles Darwin next attended Christ's College, Cambridge when it was clear he was not ready to be a doctor. Here he studied to be a clergyman. This was important because he put himself on the right path for success.
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor's Degree
    Charles Darwin finally recieved his Bachelor's Degree in Theology from Christ College, Cambridge. So how did he begin his carreer as a naturalist? Darwin met a man named John Stevens Henslow who recommended him to be the naturalist for Captain Robert FitzRoy's voyage (Charles Darwin). This was important because he was in the right place at the right time to recieve this invitation.
  • Voyage

    Charles Darwin embarked on a five year voyage around the world aboard the HMS Beagle with Captain Robert FitzRoy. On this voyage is when he gathered the majority of his information to develop his theory. He was given this opportunity by the Britsh Royal Navy (Bar-Yam).On this voyage he studied many types of plants and animals including over 68 species of beetles (Ronaldo). This is important because its when his career really took off.
  • Returned from Voyage

    Returned from Voyage
    Darwin retuned to Falmouth, England and spent the next few years recording and oragnizing his information. On his voyage, he studied the evolution of bird beaks. Darwin specifically studied the develpoment of the finch beak. He notcied the variations depending on the location of the bird and what its food source was. This was very important to his research because it proved that species changed in order to adapt to their environment.
  • Theory of Evolution

    Theory of Evolution
    Darwin had finally collected enough data and research to form his theory. His ideas were very opposite to the ideas of the time. This caused him to be reluctant to share his conclusion with the world, in fear of protests against him. It took other scientists to push him to publish (Bar-Yam). His theory was important because it changed the way the world thought for a long period of time.
  • Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

    Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
    Darwin's theory finally got published. He titled his research Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. His theory stated that a certain species will survive through a process called natural selection. If a species adapts to changes and reproduces, it will survive. If a species does not evolve, it will become extinct ( Darwin's theory changed many previous ideas in science.
  • Copely Medal

    Copely Medal
    Charles Darwin was awrarded with the Copely Medal by the Great Royal Society. This was a great honor to him; it was England's highest scientific honor. It was an important moment in his career and showed all of his lifetime achievements.
  • Charles Darwin dies

    Charles Darwin dies
    Charles Darwin died at 73 years old on April 19, 1882 in Downe, England. His cause of death was congestive heart failure (Cohen). Darwin was well known by the time of his death as one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was honored by being buried along side Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey, London (Bar-Yam).