Charles Darwin

By eli1988
  • Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

    Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in the family home, called "The Mount" (The mount), inShrewsbury, Shropshire, England.
    He was the fifth of six children born to Robert Darwin, a doctor and financier, and Susannah Wedgwood. Grandson of two prominent abolitionists: Erasmus Darwin on his father's side and Josiah Wedgwood on his mother's side.
  • Charles Darwin 1828

    Charles Darwin 1828
    Darwin neglected his medical studies so his father sent him to the University of Cambridge to study theology.
  • Charles Darwin 1836

    Charles Darwin 1836
    When Darwin got back to the UK, he stayed with his family for only ten days before heading back to Cambridge to discuss his new collections with his mentor, Henslow.
  • Charles Darwin 1838

    Charles Darwin 1838
    Darwin becomes a secretary for his friend William due to his health and not feeling well.
  • Charles Darwin (1859)

    Charles Darwin (1859)
    Publishes "The Origin of Species" which exposes the theory of evolution by natural selection after returning to the UK.
  • Charles Darwin (1871)

    Charles Darwin (1871)
    Publishes "The descent of man" ("Descent of man") in which he applies the theory of evolution to the human being.
  • Charles Darwin (1872-1881)

    Charles Darwin (1872-1881)
    Publishes further papers on the expression of emotions in man and animals, plant reproduction, and the action of worms, based on research carried out in the garden of Down House, in south-east Kent from England.
  • Importance of Darwin's theory (1809-1882)

    Importance of Darwin's theory (1809-1882)
    Darwin's theory has extensive scientific evidence to support it. Darwin was a revolutionary scientific contribution that laid the foundations for practically all of contemporary biology.. In addition, it affected other sciences and even fields of humanistic knowledge.
  • Charles Darwin (1882)

    Charles Darwin (1882)
    Darwin dies from prolonged bouts of a mysterious illness. He is buried in Westminster Abbey in London, along with Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday and other great scientists.