
Charles Darwin

  • Birth of Charles Darwin

    Born in the small merchant town of Shewsbury, England Mr. Charles Darwin was a child of wealth and privilege. He was the second youngest of six children.Mr.Darwin came from a long line of scientist , his father Dr. R.W Darwin was a medical doctor and his grandfather was a renowned botanist Dr.Erasmus Darwin.
  • Education

    Darwin enrolls at the University of Edinburgh at the age of sixteen. Two years later he became a student at Christ's College in Cambridge. In 1831 Darwin graduated with a bachelors degree in arts. Darwin was recommended for the naturalist position aboard the HMS Beagle. This position allowed Darwin to take a five year survey trip around the world.
  • Tree Of Life

    Tree Of Life
    In this drawing Darwin argues that evolution takes place through a process known as natural selection. Natural selection is that idea that organisms evolve based on the environment in which they are trying to survive. On the Origin of Species 1st Edition Author: Charles Darwin
  • Survival Of The Fittest

    during the 1800s Darwin published a body of work that applied the theory of human evolution. Darwin's theory details the process pf sexual selection in which members of one biological sex chooses mates of the opposite sex to mate with.The body of work discusses evolutionary psychology and the relevance of the evolution theory to society.
    The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex Published:1871, London
  • Legacy Of Charles Darwin

    Before the demise of Charles Darwin he was award several awards before his death. Those awards include the FRS Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1839. The Royal Medal for achievement in biology ,physical and applied science. In 1859 the Wollaston Medal for geology. The Copley Medal in 1964 for his important research in geology, zoology and the botanical physiology.