Charles Darwin By Milly.B

  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was born, his mother is Susannah Wedgwood, his father is Robert Darwin he had 5 siblings his sisters are, Susan, Emily, Caroline and Marianne his only brothers name is Erasmus.
  • Earliest Recollections

    In the summer he goes to Gros ,near Abegele ,in Wales, for sea bathing with the family some of his earlest recollections coming from this.
  • Charles Darwin, nowhere to be found!...

    There is no record of his being away from "The Mound"
  • Charles Darwin's still nowhere to be found!...

    Still there is no record of his being away from "The Mound"
  • The family gets smaller :-(

    His mother Susanna dies. :-(
  • The Chemistry Lab Is Set Up

    The Chemistry Lab Is Set Up
    He and his brother set up the lab in the tool shed, in the back garden.
  • Charles Darwin is Bad at School !!!

    His Father Takes Him Out of Shrewsbury School Because of his Bad Grades.
  • Meeting Robert Grant

    Charles meets naturalist Dr . Robert Grant and learns to examine marine animals.
  • First Speech

    Charles Darwin Makes his First Speech !
  • The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

  • Winter Break

    Charles.D leaves school for his Winter Break and goes to London
  • Religious Doubts

    Charles.D starts to have more doubts about pursuing a religious career
  • He Sets Out On A loooonnng Trip !

    He Sets Out On A loooonnng Trip !
    Charles Darwin sets out on HMS Beagal.
  • The Voyage Finishes

    The Voyage Finishes
    H.M.S. Beagle Finally Comes Home After A 4 Year 9 Month and 5 Day Voyage they Doked at Falmouth, London. Darwin set out for home immediately.
  • Charles Darwin's first theory

    He Develops His First Theory.
  • Evolution By Natral Selection

    Writes the essay Evolution By Natural Selection and instructs Emma to publish the theory if he should die unexpectedly.
    Publishes the Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands.
  • Honnarary

    Gets a Honorary LLD Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University.
    The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species and A Biographical Sketch of an Infant are published.
  • Death

    Sadly Charles Darwin Died At the Age of 73. :-(