
Charles Darwin

  • Birth of Charles Darwin

    Birth of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. He came from a very influential family and was the second youngest of six children. He was destined to become a scientist from the beginning, coming from a family of scientists. His mother died when he was 8 years old.
  • Darwin's Education

    Darwin’s magnificent career began at Edinburgh University where he enrolled at only 16 years old. He later moved to Christ’s College in Cambridge. Charles was always fascinated by natural history and graduated from Cambridge in June of 1831.
  • Darwinism

    Darwin’s mentor, John Henslow, thought that he should be apart of a expedition around the world as a naturalist. The HMS beagle debarked to explore the world on Dec. 27, 1831 with Darwin aboard. Darwin’s main points of interest included the Pacific islands and the Galapagos. These [articular areas is where he came up with most of his evidence on his theory of natural selections. This ground breaking research showed that species who evolved and strengthen with time survived, while the weaker ones
  • On the Origin of Species

    On the Origin of Species
    Darwin's life's work was outlined in this book. It outlined how and way species evolved and is considered to be the base of evolutionary biology.
  • The Death of Charles Darwin

    The Death of Charles Darwin
    Darwin Died on April 19, 1882 at his family home in Down House, London. He was laid to rest in Westminster Abbey. Charles Darwin is one of the most widely known scientists and his work was not only far ahead of his time, it is still recognized today as the standard.