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Charles Darwin

  • Charles Robert Darwin

    Charles Robert Darwin
    Charles Robert Darwin born February 12, 1809, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK died April 19,1882, Downe, Kent. A naturalist from England whose scientific theory of natural selection has evolved into the basis of modern evolutionary studies.
  • Darwin sails all over South America.

    Darwin sails all over South America.
    Darwin eventually sailed on the Beagle.
  • Darwin's first encounter with Lyell.

    Darwin's first encounter with Lyell.
    Darwin becomes acquainted with geologist Lyell for the first time.
  • Charles Darwin: Evolution of the Origin of Species

    Charles Darwin: Evolution of the Origin of Species
    Darwin creates a thirty-five-page sketch of the theory of evolution.
  • Book details Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation

    Book details Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
    Later that year, Chambers released Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, an extension of evolutionary theory.
  • Darwin's Geological diary from the voyage of the Beagle

    Darwin's Geological diary from the voyage of the Beagle
    Darwin finishes his latest work describing Beagle's voyages: Southern American Geological Observations.
  • Concepts of Biology

    Concepts of Biology
    Darwin is conducting experiments to show that seeds, plants and animals could reach the offshore islands, where they could produce new species in geographic isolation.
  • On the Publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, 1859″

    On the Publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, 1859″
    Darwin's on the move. He writes a book, stripped of academic references and intended for the reader, entitled On the Origin of Species. The 1859 issue of 1250 copies was oversubscribed, and Darwin began corrections for a second issue.
  • Darwin awarded the Copley Medal

    Darwin awarded the Copley Medal
    Darwin received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society, having been nominated three years in a row. This is the source of a great deal of debate: the origin of the species has been omitted from the reward.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Darwinism started to dominate the views of the British Association, since the main scientific supporters of Darwin, Hooker and Huxley, were presidents.
  • The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication Book by Charles Darwin

    The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication Book by Charles Darwin
    The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication is published.
  • Charles Darwin received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University

    Charles Darwin received an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University
    Darwin was awarded an honorary doctorate in law by Cambridge.
  • Charles Darwin has passed on.

    Charles Darwin has passed on.
    Following a Christmas heart attack and subsequent seizures, Charles Darwin passed away in great suffering at Down House. He was later laid to rest in Westminster Abbey.