Charles Darwin

  • Charles Darwin is Born

    Charles Darwin is born to his parents, Susannah and Robert Darwin.
  • Loss of Charles Darwin's mother

    Charles Darwin’s mother dies of gastrointestinal symptoms of possible stomach cancer
  • Charles Darwin joins boarding school

    Young Charles Darwin joins a boarding school at age 9.
  • Charles Darwin becomes an apprentice

    Charles Darwin works as an apprentice doctor, alongside his father who encouraged him to go into the medical field.
  • Charles starts studying medicine.

    Charles Darwin studies medicine at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, as per his fathers request.
  • Charles Darwin's first presented discovery

    Charles Darwin presented at the Pillion about his discovery about oyster shells. This discovery was first of many.
  • Charles Darwin switches his College education

    Charles Darwin got tired of studying medicine so he moved on to study in Christ College, Cambridge, to study for a bachelor of the arts degree.
  • Charles Darwin does well on his exams!

    Charles Darwin did well on his final exams, coming 10th out of 178 students.
  • Darwin Travels to Wales

    Travelled to Wales to study fortnight mapping. This happened around the time of his first presented discovery.
  • Darwin gets invited on his first voyage!

    Charles Darwin gets invited to the HMS beagle along side Robert FitzRoy. This journey will help immensely with his naturalism profression.
  • HMS Beagle sets off!

    After there were many delays and slip-ups, the HMS beagle sets off on his journey.
  • Charles Darwin Travels to Galapagos Islands

    To study naturalism furthur and his theory, that he will later introduce., he travels to the Galapagos Islands.
  • Charles Darwin discovers the Theory Of Evolution.

    Charles Darwin presents his theory, the Theory of evolution by natural selection.
  • Charles Darwin Passes away

    Charles Darwin passes away of old age.