Quantum Mechanics
At the age of 23 Heisenberg published his wok on the Theory of Quantum Mechanics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNOeHANMshQ -
University of Lezpig
At the age of 26 Heisenberg was appointed professor of Theoretical Physics -
Lecuture Tour
The lecture tour included going to different countries including the U.S, Japan, and India -
Nobel Prize
Due to Heisenberg's prior work on Quantum Mechanics, the discovery of allotropic forms of hydrogen, how particles behave at the subatomic level which is called the Uncertainty Principle, many other significant findings he was awarded with the Nobel Prize. Winning at this age he became one of the youngest winners of all time. -
New Discoveries
Heisenberg set sail for the U.S to share the latest discoveries with other scientists in the nuclear science field dealing with nuclear fission. -
In 1953 Became the President of the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation inviting scientists from other countries to Germany.