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Charles Darwin 12 February 1809 - 19 April 1882

  • Who is Charles?

    Who is Charles?
    Charles Darwin Is currently know as the greatest biologist in history due his famous work, On the Origin of Species. You may have heard about Charles during your science and/or History class while talking about Evolution. It all began during his voyage on the HMS Beagle.
  • Contribution to Science

    Contribution to Science
    Charles was not the first to suspect that species evolve from a common ancestor but he was the first to publish his theories along with evidence. In my research it was said that Charles was still researching his theories and only published his work due to Alfred Russells work of evolution. Back to his voyage on the HMS Beagle, Charles discovered several species of finches from island to island in the Galapagos. This is when he began his research of Evolution.
  • Period: to

    HMS Beagle

    During this 5 year voyage Charles spent most of his time examining plants, animals, fossiles etc. One of the most known findings of his was fossils of extinct animals. This is also when Charles was considered a eminent geologist.
  • Accomplishments

    Theory of Natural Selection-September 1838 (along with Alfred Russel)
    On the Origin of Species- 24 November 1859 (Darwin's theory of how populations evolve with each generation)
    Foundation of evolution- 1930s-1940s (Science began to fully understand and appreciate darwin's work on evolution)
    The descent of Man- 1871 ( This book basically states that natural selections was also related to sexual attraction. Became relevant and acknowledged by the mid 21st century.)