Charles darwin

Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Birth 1809

    Charles Darwin was born February 12th, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England.
  • Joins Shrewsbury School

    Shortly after Darwin loses his mother he enrolls in the Shrewsbury school along with his brother.
  • Darwin Begins University

    In 1825 Darwin enrolls in the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, yet by 1828 he realizes his fear of blood and chooses to transfer to join Christ's college in Cambridge obtaining a general degree. This leads him to becoming and Anglican clergyman, yet it was reported that he spent more time fascinated by natural history than his general schoolwork.
  • Invitation to a Voyage

    In 1831 Charles Darwin is invited on a surveying voyage in South America by HMS Beagle. He joins the Beagle voyage and spends 5 years with Captain Fitzroy traveling around the world.
  • New Societal Influence

    While traveling Charles Darwin is exposed to slavery for the first time in Brazil as well as to Natives of Tierra del Fuego.
  • Darwin Gets Married

    On January 29th of 1839 Charles Darwin marries his first cousin and has 10 children with her, three of which passed away. Emma, his wife, played a large role in managing and editing Darwin's work.
  • Contribution to the Philosophy of Science

    In 1859 Charles Darwin submitted publication of his most influential contribution to the philosophy of science. The work, "On the Origin of Species," proposed continual evolution by means of natural selection.
  • On the Origin of Species

    Darwin's best seller, "On the Origin of Species," argues that variations of traits and characteristics between species can explain how they evolved and then diverged. He gives evidence suggesting the way evolution allows species to develop adaptation to sustain survival in the natural world. Darwin's hypothesis suggests that minor variations of one species are correlated with major variations studied across different species, thus describing variation as the cause of the origin of species.
  • Natural Selection

    Darwin's theory of Natural selection formulated within his book, "On the Origin of Species," the theory is often referred to as "survival of the fittest. The theory however is mot in relation to ones physique, it refers to a species ability to sustain life and reproduce. Life would naturally render itself through natural selection to better sustain itself.
  • Darwin's Theory of Evolution Explained

  • Awarded Copley Medal

    In 1864 Charles Darwin is awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society.
  • New publications1868-1871

    Publication of, "The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication," is published, shortly following in 1871, "The Descent of Man" and the "Origin" is rewritten, using the word evolution for the first time.
  • Receives Doctorate

    Darwin is awarded a doctorate of law shortly after completing, "Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals in 1872.
  • Death

    Darwin passes away on Christmas after fatal seizures and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
  • Resources

    B., T., Koen B. Tanghe Koen B. Tanghe Blandijnberg 2, Tanghe, K., & Koen B. Tanghe Blandijnberg 2. (2018, August 22). On The Origin of Species: The story of Darwin's title. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from
  • Resources