The Beginnings of Charles Darwin
Darwin's father entered him into a school of medicine at Edinburgh. Where he was removed for bad grades and could not stand the site of blood. -
Charles Darwin's New Discovery to Science
Darwin had discovered several things about the biology of tiny marine organisms found along the Scottish coast. Not earth-shattering discoveries but this was his start as a Naturalist for Charles Darwin -
Voyage on the Beagle
Darwin goes on the expedition on the Beagle, which travels all the way to South America where he studies insects and animals found there. -
The Beginning of the Evolution
Darwin returns home and starts creating his theories bases of the finds of his voyage. -
The "Descent of Modification"
Charles Darwin began drawing out his theories on the development of the human species. -
Going Public
Darwin goes publicly for the first time about his theory of evolution. And the order of Natural Selection. -
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. London :John Murray, 1859. -
The Origin of Species
Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin of Species" which is his entire thesis on the evolution of human beings through the process of natural selection.