Charles darwin

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

  • 1809-Charles Darwin was born

    1809-Charles Darwin was born
    Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. His father, a doctor, had high expectations for his son's success at Edinburgh University, where he enrolled at the age of sixteen. According to legend, Darwin was more interested in natural history than medicine, and the sight of blood made him sick to his stomach. While continuing his theological studies at Cambridge, his interest in natural history grew into a passion (Wichler,1961).
  • 1931-Darwin sets Sail to South America

    1931-Darwin sets Sail to South America
    Darwin set sail as a naturalist aboard the British Royal Navy ship HMS Beagle in 1831. The trip's main goal was to survey South America's coastline and chart its harbors in order to create more accurate maps of the region. Darwin's contribution was entirely unintentional. Darwin spent a significant portion of his journey collecting plant, animal, rock, and fossil samples on land. He visited Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and remote islands such as the Galapagos (Darwin.2020).
  • 1841- Darwin publishes Structure and distribution of Coral Reefs

    1841- Darwin publishes Structure and distribution of Coral Reefs
    The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, Darwin's first monograph, was well received when it was published in May 1842 for 15 shillings (.13 cents USD). He wrote about the geology he discovered during the voyage, which supported his theory that the different types of coral reefs and atolls could be explained by the uplift and subsidence of vast areas of the Earth's crust beneath the oceans.
  • 1842-Darwin writes a 25-page theory of evolution/natural selection

    1842-Darwin writes a 25-page theory of evolution/natural selection
    Darwin's theory of natural selection says those who are better equipped physically to survive, mature, and reproduce. Those who are less fit do not reach reproductive age or have fewer offspring than their counterparts. Natural selection is sometimes referred to as survival of the fittest, because the fittest organisms, those that are best adapted to their environment, are the ones that reproduce most successfully and are more likely to pass their traits to the next generation.
  • 1859-Darwin publishes On the Origins of Species

    1859-Darwin publishes On the Origins of Species
    Darwin's book popularized the scientific theory that populations evolve through natural selection over generations. The book provided evidence that the diversity of life arose through common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence from the 1830s Beagle expedition, as well as his subsequent research, correspondence, and experimentation.
  • 1882-Darwin's death

    1882-Darwin's death
    Darwin died on April 19, 1882, of a heart attack rather than his long-term illness. Surprisingly, no one appears to have considered the possibility that he died from a perforated peptic ulcer, which would explain his severe pain and haematemesis. Cited Sources
    1.Wichler, G. (1961). Charles Darwin the founder of the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. Burlington: Elsevier Science.
    2.Darwin, C. (2020). The Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Open Road Media.