
Charles Darwin 1809-1882

  • Darwin Early Years

    Darwin Early Years
    Charles Darwin first started coming up with his theory when he took a multi year voyage around the world between 1831 and 1837. At this point Darwin was only 22 years old. He only spent only 18 months of the voyage on the ship, the rest was spent in jungles and on mountains studying animals that he found
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    Darwin Hiding his Findings

    Darwin was immediately met with skepticism when he started to share his findings with the world. They believed that natural selection went against what the bible was teaching. Darwin was a believer in God but he also believed that thousands needed to die so that the fittest would survive. His wife made him believe that he needed to hide his views from the public in order to keep from being shunned by society.
  • The Theory of Natural Selection

    Darwin grew increasingly weary of people knowing that he believed in evolution. In 1842 Darwin drafted his theory of natural selection, but did not publish it in fear of being shunned by society. He instructed his wife to publish it if he passed away. Darwin believed that believing in evolution "was like confessing a murder", because atheist were using his theories to bolster their platform. His studies did not stop and he became more credible with his study of barnacles.
  • Sharing his findings

    Darwin finally got a chance to publicly share his theory in a book titles "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" in 1859. It was not taken well by the Cambridge patrons and it troubled Darwin throughout his later life. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Darwin/On-the-Origin-of-Species
  • The Theory of Natural Selection explained