Charles Darwin (1809, 1882)

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1909 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Attends Medical School

    Attends Medical School
    After years of following his father around the medical field, he and his brother Erasmus are both sent to medical school “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Meets his Mentor

    Meets his Mentor
    While in medical school, Darwin meets his most influential mentor Robert Grant. “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Period: to

    Drops out of Med School and Finishes College at Cambridge

    Darwin decides he hates medicine and drops out of school. Instead, he decides to attend Cambridge college where he finished his BA 10th in his class “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • HMS Beagle

    HMS Beagle
    Darwin boards and sets sail on the HMS Beagle for the trip around the world. He embarked on a naturalist mission to survey the coast of South America. On this voyage, he took extremely detailed notes on the flora and fauna of the new areas, most notably the Galapagos Islands, that led to his theories of natural selection and evolution. (National Geographic Society)
  • Publishes his First Journal

    Publishes his First Journal
    Darwin publishes his finding and conclusions collected on his voyage in an academic journal. Darwin titled his piece "Journals and Remarks, volume three of Darwin's Narrative of the voyage" “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Darwin finishes his last book about his time on the HMS Beagle

    Darwin finishes his last book about his time on the HMS Beagle
    Darwin's last book "Beagle voyages: Geological Observations on South America." was published and ended the chapter of his life devoted to this voyage “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Brings his Idea of Natural Selection Public

    Brings his Idea of Natural Selection Public
    Darwins book, On the Origin of Species was the first piece of literature to explain how organisms change and adapt to best fir their environment. He went further into the discussion with a theories of specialization, survival of the fittest, and provided his theory of evolution National Geographic Society. “Natural Selection.” National Geographic Society, 7 Sept. 2019,
  • Last Book is Published

    Last Book is Published
    Darwin has become a great scientific leader by this point in time. His last book was published outlining genetic variation and how it can be manipulated through selective breeding.
  • Doctorate of Law

    Doctorate of Law
    Darwin's college, Cambridge College, acknowledges his unprecedented research and literary works and honors him with an honorary Doctorate of Law. “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.
  • Death

    Charles Darwin dies at the age of 73 in his home. He dies of a heart attack and was buried in Westminster Abby “A TIMELINE OF THE LIFE OF CHARLES DARWIN | Christs College Cambridge.” Christ College University of Cambridge, Christ College University of Cambrige, Accessed 21 Aug. 2021.