Charles Darwin 12 Feb 1809 - 19 Apr 1882

  • HMS Beagle Voyage

    This Voyage changed the world as we know it. This is not some broad statement, this is fact. After this voyage Charles Darwin was considered an enemy of the church of England, as well as changing the whole worlds thoughts and opinions of how we came to be and the animals around us.
  • Period: to

    First Voyage

  • Evolution: Breaking the mold.

    On this Trip Charles Darwin secured passage on the HMS Beagle who's destination was bound for South America. Here he would come across the Galapagos Islands. On these islands he would discover animals he kind of recognized but knew they were completely different. Here the Theory of Evolution would spark England and the modern world alight. He challenged every theory and the church itself with his theory's. yet no one could really dispute him. Branded an enemy of the church for his ideas.
  • The Theory Evolves.

    Upon the return to England. Charles Darwin took time to catalog his fossils and bugs he collected during his voyage. During this time he wrote books and continued his research. He was reluctant to release his research wide spread as the belief in the bible and the theory that God created everything would be challenged.
  • The Origin of Species

    1250 Copies of this book was originally printed and instantly sold out. This directly challenged the church and a large uproar was created. Here he provided proof to the world that the bible might not be as accurate as every one thought.
    Darwin, Charles (1887). Darwin, Francis, ed. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. London: John Murray. ISBN 978-0-404-08417-2. Retrieved 4 November 2008.