Charles Darwin
Born on 12 Feb 1809 in Shrewsbury, a small town in England -
HMS Beagle
Charles Darwin was encouraged to go on a 5 year journey around the world with Captain Robert FitzRoy. During this journey, Darwin collected natural specimens which ended up helping with his theory. He collected things such as plants and fossils. With having the ability to do his own research and experiments, he was able to closely observe everything that brought him to his theory. He observed species from all different places with similarities, which started up his thoughts on his theory. -
Beginning of Development
After his voyage was complete in 1836, Darwin wrote his findings into the "Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle", previously called "Journal of Researches". All of his findings effected Darwin's view of natural history which then caused him to being developing his theory. -
First Introduction of Theory
In 1854 Charles Darwin publicly brought forth his idea of the theory of evolution and natural selection after years of investigating. He introduced this theory at a meeting of the Linnean Society. Of course, there were still many people who didn't agree with his theory regardless of any proof he had and any descriptions he offered. Even to this day, there are thousands of people who don't believe his theory to be true. -
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". This was a very detailed publishing on his theory. The youtube video I've attached is a great explanation of his voyage and theory and how he came about these ideas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfsUz2O2jww -
Death of Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin passed away in his home at the age of 73.