Charles darwin

Charles Darwin (12 FEB 1809-19 APR 1882)

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    HMS Beagle

    Charles Darwin began his first drafts of the most influential works of scientific studies on his trip on the HMS Beagle in 1831. He studied and collected data on various planets, animals and fossils. Darwin's thesis had an emphasis on the origin of living beings and the construction of evolutionary theory.
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    Cultivation of Research: Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle

    Charles Darwin began his first drafts of the most influential works of scientific studies on his trip on the HMS Beagle in 1831. Parts of his early works can be found in the Journals of Researches by Captain FitzRoy and later transferred into the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle. He studied and collected data on various planets, animals and fossils. Darwin's thesis had an emphasis on the origin of living beings and the construction of evolutionary theory.
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    On the Origin of Species (Editions 1-4)

    Darwin decides to continue the series touching on and revising scientific findings and philosophical concepts in science further explaining that the mechanism of evolution was natural selection. Charles produces insights into this niche of philosophy; the non constancy of species, notion of branching evolution, and evolution being gradual and continuous. Thus, founding a branch in philosophy of science--philosophy of biology and solidifying his role as a forefather in modern science.
  • The Descent of Man

    Darwin published the Descent of Man. This publication provided a scientific foundation for ethics and applied the concepts of evolutionary theory to the human species; specifically the concept that in social species not only the individual should be considered, but the social group as well.