Charles Darwin

  • The Birth of a Natural Philosopher

    Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, at his family's home. He was the one of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier Robert Darwin and Susannah Darwin.
  • The Start of His Education

    In 1825 Darwin enrolled in medical school at the University of Edinburgh, where he witnessed surgery on a child. Watching this procedure left Darwin so traumatized that he gave up his studies without completing the course. He then went to Cambridge University to study theology. These events would cause Charles Darwin to start pursuing an education in the philosophy of out natural world.
  • The Begining of A Paradigm Shift

    It was actually Charles Darwin's Grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, who proposed the idea of evolution in a journal that Charles Darwin studied. This started Charles's exciting adventure.
  • The HMS Beagle

    Darwin accepted an offer to embark on a five-year voyage aboard HMS Beagle. The journey would change both his life and the concept of Western scientific thinking.
  • The Galapagos Islands

    After 3 years of sailing, the HMS Beagle landed in the Galapagos islands. Darwin observed the unique animals iving in the Islands and made notes about their characteristics which would later help him conclude his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
  • Darwin Writes His Journal

    Darwin completes his notes about his time on the Beagle, now commonly known as The Voyage of the Beagle. It was published along with Captain Fitzroy's own notes in 1839.
  • The Origin Of Species

    There was an international response to the publication of On the Origin of Species, dividing the scientific community. Although Darwin was too ill to speak publicly, he contributed his opinion through letters and articles.
  • The Death of A Philosopher

    Darwin dies in his home surrounded. He expected to be buried in the local churchyard, however, at the request of his scientific friends, he was buried at Westminster Abbey, London.