Charles Darwin 02/12/1809 - 04/19/1882

  • Born

    Charles Darwin was Born
  • Period: to

    Attended University of Cambridge

    Charles Darwin attended the University of Cambridge studying Botany and eventually Entomology.
  • Began his Voyage to the Galapagos Islands

    Charles Darwin began his Voyage to the Galapagos Island. This trip would be the catalyst that change his life.
  • Voyage Ends

    The Voyage on the HMS Beagle comes to an end.
  • On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

    Published his arguably most influential work "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." For the remainder of his life, Darwin would continue to revise edition of "On Origins" totaling 6 editions before he died. "On Origins" had significant impact across all scientific fields and was a constant lightning rod for argument and refinement due to its controversial nature. The introduction of the idea of Evolution sparked a shift in both scientific and philosophical fields.
  • The Decent of Man

    Another key contribution to the scientific community was "The Decent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex." Another controversial writing by Darwin in which he applied evolutionary theory to human evolution.
  • Death

    Charles Darwin Died and was buried in Westminster Abbey