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Darwin's Life
Darwin's Birth
Born at The Mount in Shrewsbury, Shropshire -
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Darwin Traveled South America
He traveled as the HMS Beagle's naturalist.He collected lots of natural history to prove his theory. -
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Darwin Considers The Eveolution of Species
He begins thinking about the variations among Galapagos
mockingbirds.He wrote in his notebook ‘If there is the slightest foundation for these remarks the
zoology of Archipelagoes will be well worth examining, for such facts (would) undermine the stability
of Species’ -
Darwin Draws a Simple Evolutionary Tree
He drew this tree below the words "I think". In this he was just drawing a simple picture of what he thought about evolution. -
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Darwin Develops the Theory of Natural Selection
He says that the animals that are most fit to the enviornment survive. This was a big step to prove that animals had to adapt to survive. -
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Darwin Publish's "The Journal of a Naturalist"
This book was about what he discovered on the Voyage of the HMS Beagle. This book discussed the birds and other animals he found on the Beagle Voyage. -
Darwin Marries His Cousin
Emma Wedgewood. After marrying they move to London and have a family. -
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Darwin First Starts Writing About The Theory of Evolution
He has had the idea for awhile but just now gets the courage to write about it. This was a big step for Darwin becuase he is going against the church alot. -
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Publishes "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reef"
He discusses what the coral reef is. He also discussed what the coral reef is made of. -
Charles Daughter Dies
Annie Darwin dies and its believed tobe tuberculosis. -
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Darwin Publishes "The Decent Of Man"
This is the first time he really brings out the evfolution of man. He dicusses the evolution of man in great depth. -
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Publishes "The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals"
This is the book of what other peoples view on the subject of evolution was. He just wanted to show that he thought about people's opinions also. -
Chrarles Darwin Died